We have lauched our new website!
We have completely re-built our public website and hope that you enjoy them.

On the new site we have tried to focus more on the general information of our services and the expertise we have at PatoGen, while the more specific information that customers seek will be more and more provided through our customer portal Patolink.

We invite you as a visitor to give us feedback and suggestions, so please send us a few lines to post@patogen.no

Behind the lab doors: Discover PatoGen’s advanced qPCR technology for fish, swabs, and water sample
We are excited to present a film by @fuglefjellet showcasing PatoGen’s innovative, highly automated qPCR technology for fish, swabs, and water samples. 🐟
New assay from PatoGen – Saprolegnia spp!
Saprolegnia spp is an oomycete fungus that is found in most freshwater sources worldwide. Saprolegnia spp. can cause the disease saprolegniosis - growth of fungal mycelium on the skin and gills.
PatoGen is launching biochemistry in May
Over the past year, PatoGen has been preparing to launch an analysis platform for fish, and we can now inform that it is ready for our customers to use in May by submitting samples