We have lauched our new website!
We have completely re-built our public website and hope that you enjoy them.

On the new site we have tried to focus more on the general information of our services and the expertise we have at PatoGen, while the more specific information that customers seek will be more and more provided through our customer portal Patolink.

We invite you as a visitor to give us feedback and suggestions, so please send us a few lines to post@patogen.no

Head Veterinarian
PatoGen would like to increase our offering to UK aquaculture companies, and we are searching for an experienced veterinarian to lead and manage this effort.
Water Screening – a new product from PatoGen!
Lately we have experienced an increased focus on the infection status in water and water sources, with requests from several of our customers to see if we can check their water for pathogens (disease-causing microorganisms).
PatoGen Strengthens Fish Health Team
Meritxell Diez-Padrisa has joined PatoGen Fish Health Team as Senior Fish Health Advisor

Business Hours

Switchboard open 08:00-15:00 (Scottish Time)

Urgent calls:15:00-20:00 (Scottish Time)

Laboratory is open all working days from 08:00-16:00

Business Hours Christmas/New Year 2024

Tuesday December 24th: Open 08:00-12:00

Wednesday December 25th: Closed

Thursday December 26th: Closed

Friday December 27th: Open 08:00-16:00

Monday December 30th: Open 08:00-16:00

Tuesday December 31st: Open 08:00-12:00

Exeptions for urgent calls:  24.12 and 31.12: 12:00-15:00

Special Business Hours 2025

Wednesday January 1st: Closed

Thursday January 2nd: Laboratory closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Wednesday April 17th: Laboratory Open 08:00-16:00 - reporting closed from 12:00 due to holiday in Norway

Thursday Apri 18thl: Laboratory Open 08:00-16:00 - reporting closed due to holiday in Norway

Friday April 20th: Closed

Monday May 5th:  Laboratory Closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Monday May 26th: Laboratory Closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Monday August 4th: Laboratory Closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Monday December 1st: Laboratory Closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Wednesday December 24th: Open 08:00-12:00

Thursday December 25th: Closed

Friday December 26th: Closed

Wednesday December 31st: Open 08:00-12:00


Business Hours

Switchboard open 08:00-15:00 (Scottish Time)

Urgent calls:15:00-20:00 (Scottish Time)

Laboratory is open all working days from 08:00-16:00

Business Hours Christmas/New Year 2024

Tuesday December 24th: Open 08:00-12:00

Wednesday December 25th: Closed

Thursday December 26th: Closed

Friday December 27th: Open 08:00-16:00

Monday December 30th: Open 08:00-16:00

Tuesday December 31st: Open 08:00-12:00

Exeptions for urgent calls:  24.12 and 31.12: 12:00-15:00

Special Business Hours 2025

Wednesday January 1st: Closed

Thursday January 2nd: Laboratory closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Wednesday April 17th: Laboratory Open 08:00-16:00 - reporting closed from 12:00 due to holiday in Norway

Thursday Apri 18thl: Laboratory Open 08:00-16:00 - reporting closed due to holiday in Norway

Friday April 20th: Closed

Monday May 5th:  Laboratory Closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Monday May 26th: Laboratory Closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Monday August 4th: Laboratory Closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Monday December 1st: Laboratory Closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Wednesday December 24th: Open 08:00-12:00

Thursday December 25th: Closed

Friday December 26th: Closed

Wednesday December 31st: Open 08:00-12:00
