Stian Lernes starts as sales manager for PatoGen in the Trøndelag and Northern Norway regions

Stian has extensive experience from various parts of the farming industry in his luggage when he now takes up the position at PatoGen. He has both worked as a salmon farmer in Sør-Trøndelag, experience as chief advisor farming at NSL and in recent years worked at STIM.

Stian will have his main workplace in Trøndelag.

Training course: Fish health, welfare and biosecurity in trout farming
Thanks to the Cure4Aqua EU-funded project, we would like to invite you join the next training on Fish Health, Welfare, and Biosecurity in Trout Farming
New bacteriology service ready to start in Oban!
Our laboratory located in Oban is currently in the final stages of establishing our own bacteriology service.
Head Veterinarian
PatoGen would like to increase our offering to UK aquaculture companies, and we are searching for an experienced veterinarian to lead and manage this effort.