Training course: Fish health, welfare and biosecurity in trout farming

Thanks to the Cure4Aqua EU-funded project (, we would like to invite you join the next training on Fish Health, Welfare, and Biosecurity in Trout Farming on May 8th (13:00 - 17:00, CET).

This training will be online and is aimed at trout farm managers, trout farm staff, technical personnel, biologists, and service & supply staff.

The tutors of the training course will be Hamish Rodger, Meritxell Diez-Padrisa, and Ana Herrero (PatoGen).

Course attendance is free, thanks to Horizon Europe funding. For registration, please sign up following the instructions:

This course aims to cover various relevant aspects of fish health, welfare, and disease management, such as fish anatomy, fish responses to diseases, good welfare practices, and operational welfare indicators.

Updated information on key diseases affecting trout farming in Europe will be provided. Additionally, the course will emphasise the importance of optimal biosecurity practices and their role in animal production and disease prevention.

Participants will gain insights into the anatomy of trout, as well as learn optimal techniques for necropsy and disease investigation.

For more details, see Cure4Aqua_Leaflet_TrainingCourse

Iselin Karlsen begynner i stillingen som regional salgsansvarlig i sør og vest
Iselin Karlsen er utdannet veterinær og har i de siste 4 årene arbeidet med salg av tjenester og produkter til oppdrettere hovedsakelig i Norge.
Kristian Natland er ny salgsdirektør i PatoGen
Kristian Natland begynte i den nye stillingen 1. april.
Vi har lansert våre nye nettsider!
Vi har laget de nye nettsidene helt fra bunnen av og håper du liker de.

Business Hours

Switchboard open 08:00-15:00 (Scottish Time)

Urgent calls:15:00-20:00 (Scottish Time)

Laboratory is open all working days from 08:00-16:00

Business Hours Christmas/New Year 2024

Tuesday December 24th: Open 08:00-12:00

Wednesday December 25th: Closed

Thursday December 26th: Closed

Friday December 27th: Open 08:00-16:00

Monday December 30th: Open 08:00-16:00

Tuesday December 31st: Open 08:00-12:00

Exeptions for urgent calls:  24.12 and 31.12: 12:00-15:00

Special Business Hours 2025

Wednesday January 1st: Closed

Thursday January 2nd: Laboratory closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Wednesday April 17th: Laboratory Open 08:00-16:00 - reporting closed from 12:00 due to holiday in Norway

Thursday Apri 18thl: Laboratory Open 08:00-16:00 - reporting closed due to holiday in Norway

Friday April 20th: Closed

Monday May 5th:  Laboratory Closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Monday May 26th: Laboratory Closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Monday August 4th: Laboratory Closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Monday December 1st: Laboratory Closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Wednesday December 24th: Open 08:00-12:00

Thursday December 25th: Closed

Friday December 26th: Closed

Wednesday December 31st: Open 08:00-12:00


Business Hours

Switchboard open 08:00-15:00 (Scottish Time)

Urgent calls:15:00-20:00 (Scottish Time)

Laboratory is open all working days from 08:00-16:00

Business Hours Christmas/New Year 2024

Tuesday December 24th: Open 08:00-12:00

Wednesday December 25th: Closed

Thursday December 26th: Closed

Friday December 27th: Open 08:00-16:00

Monday December 30th: Open 08:00-16:00

Tuesday December 31st: Open 08:00-12:00

Exeptions for urgent calls:  24.12 and 31.12: 12:00-15:00

Special Business Hours 2025

Wednesday January 1st: Closed

Thursday January 2nd: Laboratory closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Wednesday April 17th: Laboratory Open 08:00-16:00 - reporting closed from 12:00 due to holiday in Norway

Thursday Apri 18thl: Laboratory Open 08:00-16:00 - reporting closed due to holiday in Norway

Friday April 20th: Closed

Monday May 5th:  Laboratory Closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Monday May 26th: Laboratory Closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Monday August 4th: Laboratory Closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Monday December 1st: Laboratory Closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Wednesday December 24th: Open 08:00-12:00

Thursday December 25th: Closed

Friday December 26th: Closed

Wednesday December 31st: Open 08:00-12:00
