Harmful Plankton and Gill Health Workshop in Bergen

In collaboration with NCE Seafood Innovation, PatoGen invites to workshop regarding harmful plankton and gill health in Bergen.

The workshop is aimed at fish health professionals and veterinarians in aquaculture.

When: 2nd and 3rd November 2023

Two-day workshop: Thursday 9:30-12:00 and Friday 9:30-15:30

Where: University of Bergen

Cost: 3 250,- NOK per participant

Instructors: Dr. Hamish Rodger and Dr. Ana Herrero (PatoGen AS)

Topics covered:

  • Introductions, outline, and aims of the workshop
  • Gill and skin anatomy and physiology
  • Harmful algae blooms and harmful zooplankton swarms; why do they occur and impacts in aquaculture (clinical signs, gross pathology, and histopathology)
  • What to do about them? Mitigation strategies
  • Research projects update
  • Monitoring methods: phytoplankton and zooplankton sampling, preservation, identification, and sampling for disease diagnosis
  • Practical water sampling, microscopy, plankton identification and quantification session


Sign up here: Workshop: Harmful Plankton and Gill Health (deltager.no)

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