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Related videos

How to perform lateral line swabs

How to carry out swabbing of gill arches (updated)

In this video you will learn how to perform sampling of gill arches using swabs. This method is well suited for agents related to gill challenges: Paramoeba perurans (AGD), SGPV, etc

Step by step

  1. Anesthetize the fish
  2. Swab gill arches on the left side
  3. Keep the gill lid of the fish open when the swabbing is performed.
  4. Swab the outside and inside of the 1st gill arch. Continue with both sides of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th gill arch until the swab is full
  5. Swab from the arc to the tip of the gill and rotate
  6. Put the swab stick in ENAT tube and break off
  7. Put the cap on and close

Products used in the video

PatoGen tube kit with ENAT for swabs
Swab stick

Business Hours

Switchboard open 08:00-15:00 (Scottish Time)

Urgent calls:15:00-20:00 (Scottish Time)

Laboratory is open all working days from 08:00-16:00

Business Hours Christmas/New Year 2024

Tuesday December 24th: Open 08:00-12:00

Wednesday December 25th: Closed

Thursday December 26th: Closed

Friday December 27th: Open 08:00-16:00

Monday December 30th: Open 08:00-16:00

Tuesday December 31st: Open 08:00-12:00

Exeptions for urgent calls:  24.12 and 31.12: 12:00-15:00

Special Business Hours 2025

Wednesday January 1st: Closed

Thursday January 2nd: Laboratory closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Wednesday April 17th: Laboratory Open 08:00-16:00 - reporting closed from 12:00 due to holiday in Norway

Thursday Apri 18thl: Laboratory Open 08:00-16:00 - reporting closed due to holiday in Norway

Friday April 20th: Closed

Monday May 5th:  Laboratory Closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Monday May 26th: Laboratory Closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Monday August 4th: Laboratory Closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Monday December 1st: Laboratory Closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Wednesday December 24th: Open 08:00-12:00

Thursday December 25th: Closed

Friday December 26th: Closed

Wednesday December 31st: Open 08:00-12:00


Business Hours

Switchboard open 08:00-15:00 (Scottish Time)

Urgent calls:15:00-20:00 (Scottish Time)

Laboratory is open all working days from 08:00-16:00

Business Hours Christmas/New Year 2024

Tuesday December 24th: Open 08:00-12:00

Wednesday December 25th: Closed

Thursday December 26th: Closed

Friday December 27th: Open 08:00-16:00

Monday December 30th: Open 08:00-16:00

Tuesday December 31st: Open 08:00-12:00

Exeptions for urgent calls:  24.12 and 31.12: 12:00-15:00

Special Business Hours 2025

Wednesday January 1st: Closed

Thursday January 2nd: Laboratory closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Wednesday April 17th: Laboratory Open 08:00-16:00 - reporting closed from 12:00 due to holiday in Norway

Thursday Apri 18thl: Laboratory Open 08:00-16:00 - reporting closed due to holiday in Norway

Friday April 20th: Closed

Monday May 5th:  Laboratory Closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Monday May 26th: Laboratory Closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Monday August 4th: Laboratory Closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Monday December 1st: Laboratory Closed, reporting open due to Norwegian business hours

Wednesday December 24th: Open 08:00-12:00

Thursday December 25th: Closed

Friday December 26th: Closed

Wednesday December 31st: Open 08:00-12:00
